منابع و مقالات

ABRs and Electrically Evoked ABRs in Children


Kimitaka Kaga (Editor)


ABRs and Electrically Evoked ABRs in Children

Adult audiologic rehabilitation


Jaclyn B.Spitzer

Joseph J.Montano (Editor)

Advanced therapy of otitis media

Cuneyt M. Alper, MD
Charles D. Bluestone, MD
Margaretha L. Casselbrant, MD, PhD
Joseph E. Dohar, MD
Ellen M. Mandel, MD

Advances in Audiology and Hearing Science

(Volume1 Clinical Protocols)


Stavros Hatzopoulos (Editor)
Andrea Ciorba and Mark Krumm (Associate Editors)

Advances in Audiology and Hearing Science

(Volume 2 Otoprotection)


Stavros Hatzopoulos (Editor)
Andrea Ciorba and Mark Krumm (Associate Editors)

Aging and Hearing

causes and consequences


Karen S.Helfer
Edward L.bartlett
Arthur N.Popper
Richard R.Fay (Editor)

An Introduction to the Psychology of Hearing


Brian Moore

Assessing Middle Ear Function in Infant


Joseph Kei
Fei Zhao

Assistive Technology for Hearing-impaired, Deaf and Deafblind


Marion A. Hersh
Michael A. Johnson (Editor)

Audiologic Interpretation Across the Lifespan